尼斯湖,格伦科谷和苏格兰高地1日游 (中文导游)

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  • Best Loch Ness tours from edinburgh
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  • Loch near Glencoe



Tour map

Tour Highlights


兰诺克沼地(The Great Moor of Rannoch)- 这片50 平方英里的沼泽地里,聚集着上千个小湖和水塘,小溪遍布。

格伦科峡谷(Glen Coe)- 苏格兰高地上最迷人的地貌,终年云雾缭绕,荒草遍布山野,湖泊穿行其间,高地的壮阔和沧桑在这里得到了集中体现。

大峡谷(Great Glen) - 大峡谷是远古时代形成的裂谷,是苏格兰高地的一个断层。

奥古斯都堡 (Fort Augustus)- 这座宁静的小镇位于尼斯湖最南端,奥古斯都古堡遗址就在这里。小镇的中心地带集中在尼斯湖的南部,横跨Caledonian运河,风景如画。还可以从小镇出发乘船游览尼斯湖,开启探索水怪之旅。

尼斯湖(Loch Ness) - 是苏格兰高原北部的大峡谷中的一大片水域,因神秘的水怪传闻而闻名于世。在这里,可以选择乘船游览,也可以选择在这个迷人的湖边漫步。

凯恩戈姆山脉(Grampian Mountains) - 这一区域因英剧《莫纳山谷》(Monarch of the Glen) 而出名,这里有苏格兰旖旎的湖光山色,让您感受高地高远的幽深与谧静。

高地珀斯郡 (Highland Perthshire) - 高地上的迷人小镇,风景优美,珀斯是苏格兰历史最悠久的古城之一,从青铜石器起便有人居住。



Check-in closes at (tour departs at ) - ,

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学生, 60岁以上的老人, 5到15岁之间的儿童 (非常抱歉,我们无法携带5岁以下的孩童)

  • 苏格兰潮湿多雨,请准备防水的衣服及适宜行走的鞋子。
  • 尼斯湖游船在每年复活节到12月间运营。
  • 在旺季时,您可能无法参加尼斯湖游船。

  • 全程交通(乘坐Rabbie's16座迷你豪华巴士)
  • 空调
  • Rabbie's专业的司机/英文导游服务

  • 尼斯湖乘船游览的门票

清晨8点钟,我们将搭乘Rabbie’s的豪华旅行车离开爱丁堡市中心,途经苏格兰女王玛丽的出生地——林利思哥宫 (Linlithgow Palace),继续向北行驶经过斯特林城堡 (Stirling Castle) 和华莱士纪念碑 (Wallace Monument)。中途司机将在卡伦德做短暂的休息,您可以在这里享用咖啡和点心。高地的风景和平原差别很大,这里有崎岖的山脉,茂密的森林和深不见底的湖泊,美丽的让人很容易忘记这里曾经是一个激烈的战场。


接着您将抵达高地上最引人注目的地标——格伦科峡谷 (Glencoe)。荒凉空旷的格伦科高地透着淡淡的伤感气息,感受300多年前在这里发生的故事。

向前穿过威廉堡 (Fort William),继续游览夹在威廉堡和因弗内斯之间的苏格兰大峡谷 (Great Glen)。

继续前行,我们将到达著名的尼斯湖 (Loch Ness) ,这片因水怪传闻而闻名于世的湖泊,尼斯湖并不大,面积大概只有五十多平方公里,但是很深,最深处达300米,因此储水量比英格兰和威尔斯所有淡水湖泊总水量还要多。湖泊终年不冻,两岸陡峭,树林茂密,风景如画。尼斯湖湖水水颜色很深,因为大量的浮藻和泥炭而非常浑浊,水中的能见度极低,不足两米,大概就是水怪传说盛行的原因吧。您将在岸边的奥古都斯堡 (Fort Augustus) 驻足,欣赏美到令人窒息的湖景。抵达尼斯湖后,您可以选择在湖边享受一顿午餐(自费),或者花一个小时乘着游船(4月至10月),从湖光山色中领略美景。尼斯湖的小船都配备了声纳系统,如果尼斯湖水怪出现在船下方,你一定可以一睹其真容!

Do you offer hotel pickups in the departure cities?

The UK and Ireland's historic city centres are full of narrow streets and winding roads. So, to speed up your departure, we only pick up from our central meeting points. What's more is leaving the city using the most direct route also reduces the carbon footprint of our tours.

Is there parking close to the departure point?

We don't recommend bringing your car into the centre of our departure cities. It can be hard to find parking, and there are excellent public transportation services.

When should I get to the departure point?

Arrive 15 minutes before your departure time. Due to waiting restrictions, we can't wait for you if you're late.

What happens if I'm late or miss the tour?

If you're late for your tour, our cancellation policy applies. 100% charges are applicable, and you will not be entitled to a refund or alternative.

What are your cancellation policies?

Your cancellation terms depend on which tour you've booked.

For one-day tours: You'll receive a full refund if you cancel 24 hours or more before the tour departure

For tours of between two and nine days: You'll receive a 90% refund if you cancel 15 or more days before the tour departure

For tours of 10 or more days: You'll receive a 90% refund if you cancel 21 or more days before the tour departure

For all European packaged tours: You'll receive a 90% refund if you cancel 42 days before the tour departure.

If you cancel inside these notice periods, full charges will apply and no refunds will be issued.

To cancel your booking, email tours@rabbies.com as soon as possible. The effective date of cancellation will be the date we receive written confirmation from you.

Click here to view terms and conditions

Can Itineraries change?

Your tour will always follow the itinerary as closely as possible. Your driver-guide will keep you up to date on the road, and we'll try to get in touch about any large changes prior to your departure.

Can I pre-book a specific seat?

Due to logistical reasons, we're unable to let you pre-book a seat on the bus. But our comfortable 16-seat mini-coaches have huge windows. So, you'll always get a good view.

Are there toilets on the bus?

Unfortunately, we have no on-board toilet facilities, but you'll have regular comfort breaks.

How do you cater for people with accessibility needs?

We aim to accommodate everyone. To read more information on how we do this, click here to go to our accessibility guide.

Do you take children on your tours?

We regret we don't carry children under the age of five on our scheduled tours.

You can ask us about the tours we recommend for younger children. And if your child is less than 1.35m tall, you should let us know, so we can provide them with a suitable booster seat.

How much time do I get off the bus?

We want you to enjoy Britain and Ireland. And we believe the best way to do this is to get you off the mini-coach and out exploring. So, we give you plenty of time to take photos, go walking, and explore ancient ruins.

Why do you exclude visitor attractions?

We exclude visitor attractions in your tour price because it lets you travel your way. It means you can pamper yourself with a luxury lunch or skip an attraction whenever you feel like it.

Do we need to bring our own lunch?

You don't need to. We stop in small towns, villages, and rural eateries where you can choose whatever meal pleases both your taste buds and your budget.

Should I tip the driver-guide?

Let's be honest, our driver-guides would never refuse a cheeky bonus. But it's up to you, and the amount is entirely at your discretion.

What about travel insurance?

We advise you take out travel insurance.

What is ABTOT?

You're protected by ABTOT when you chose to let us reserve your accommodation on a multi-day tour. This means you can claim back anything you've paid us if we become bankrupt. Read our terms and conditions for more information.

I have more questions, who can help me?

If you have any more questions, call us on +44(0)131 226 3133, email tours@rabbies.com , or check out our full FAQs .





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